The story begins in a high school shop class where Glen McNeil decided to practice cabinetry using the school's equipment. When he graduated, he moved into engraving as a hobby.
When Glen bought equipment from an engraver in Utah called Paragraphics at 27, he was introduced to the world of specialty engraving, whether it was engraving eggs, knives, gunstocks, inlays, carvings, glass etching, etc. He reached out to different specialty engravers and attended workshops to broaden his skills and further his hobby.
35 years later, Glen's hobby turned into a custom engraving business. We hope to showcase the beauty of his work through this site.
When Glen bought equipment from an engraver in Utah called Paragraphics at 27, he was introduced to the world of specialty engraving, whether it was engraving eggs, knives, gunstocks, inlays, carvings, glass etching, etc. He reached out to different specialty engravers and attended workshops to broaden his skills and further his hobby.
35 years later, Glen's hobby turned into a custom engraving business. We hope to showcase the beauty of his work through this site.